Episode #9: The Journey of Becoming an Entrepreneur and Everything that Entails [The Other Mic]

In this episode, I’m introducing you to a new weekly segment we’ll be publishing with my husband, Jeremy, as the co-host. After many extensive conversations with Jeremy over entrepreneurship, what that looks like in our lives, and how that will look as we become parents, I figured he had a lot of offer from his perspective, both from that of a man, which I am not, the spouse of a zany entrepreneur, and a soon to be a dad who will be managing a lot of the household responsibilities. 

Welcome to The Other Mic!

This first episode, we’re taking a trip down memory lane when it comes to how we knew we were pretty sure I needed to pursue entrepreneurship. We talk about the conversations we’ve had over the last four years, the red flags that pointed to me not working a conventional job, a bit about my quarter-life crisis, and how we have maneuvered this space together in an intentional way. 

Topics covered:

  • One spouse is an entrepreneur and the other is not
  • Jeremy’s experience
  • Real life struggle vs when it’s awesome
  • How to know if being an entrepreneur is the way to go (from both perspectives)


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