Episode #22: Voiceover Recording Setup, Casting Sites, and Working with Clients ft. Chris Lamb

We’re back! For those of you who don’t know, my husband and I had our first baby in October, and we took some time off to completely dedicate ourselves to our son and our new life, and now the wheels of business are turning and we’re excited to share what’s coming up for you at the WFH Voice Actor.

This first episode since we’ve been back is chock full of helpful info and insights for Voice Actors at all levels. We wanted to kick off this year of the podcast with a bang, and our guest, Chris Lamb, asks questions that allow us to better understand our setups and how to put our best foot forward on Pay to play sites and online in general.

Real quick – If you’ve learned anything from our show in the past, leave us a review! I know most of you listen on Apple Podcasts so you can simply pause the show, go to our podcast home page, scroll down and leave us a rating a review or both, it helps us to know you’re listening and you want to hear more.


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